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The Commons is a direct outgrowth of our lodging business, guest have come to the farm for eighteen years,  some as many as eighteen times. There is a history here and we pay attention to it. 

 We learned how much we enjoy having people here and the opportunity share something that we love.  The Farm feel rich and full when folks are here, empty without. We have learned a lot about working with others, the actions and behaviors that we can take that are important and helpful  for others. Every day is a little community building exercise: an interesting conversation, a shared experience being a helpful  guide,  about the wonders of Vermont. We work to make our  little community better for others and in response we get their  fidelity to us, the farm and our future.

Happily, our Guest have had a voice which has been best expressed in 107 Trip Advisor Reviews and 51 Airbnb reviews. Our ratings are amongst the highest in Vermont, 93% of the 158 people who have reviewed the Farm consider us as “outstanding—Excellent” –the highest category

We have selected 32 reviews from our Trip Advisor files. These thoughtful voices echo our core values about working with others, community and the environment.  

They tell a good story and are solid indicators of what the road ahead with the Commons looks like. On that road,  we will strive for “outstanding—Excellent.” But first,  we need your help to do that.

Trip Advisor Testimonials-32 selected reviews

Trip Advisor

Airbnb Reviews